How To Get Your Next Job With a New Linked In Headshot

Whether you are using LinkedIn to find a new job or to network, a professional corporate headshot should always be your profile picture. Using candids, or low-quality pictures as the main image conveys a sense of immaturity and lack of preparation.

Most recruiters refer to your profile picture as a way to gauge your personality and professionalism, and using an expert headshot rather than a random photo is the only way to make a first and lasting impression.

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As an entrepreneur, salesperson, life coach, personal trainer, broker or creative of any kind, you know how important it is for you and your brand to stand out in your industry. Your headshot is the cover of your brand on LinkedIN. It is just as important as your summary and headline.

In our studio or on-location at your office, professional corporate headshots are a strategic investment for a career-driven individual who is pursuing distinction and excellence in their field. Lev has the rare gift to parlay your brand and mission into corporate headshots which can be used for marketing materials, social media, and high resolution website images.



Within any industry, a professional headshot demonstrates that you are dedicated, committed and driven. Moreover, headshots accompany pitches and proposals for clients. Not having a sleek, polished image to include with your professional materials undermines the quality of your proposal.

“Your LinkedIn profile is you when you aren’t there, so it’s critical to your career success.”



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On-location portraits at your office tell a story by adding context to your headshots, and highlight your company culture. They are distinct and intriguing, and stand out in an ocean of studio shots. On-location professional photos give visual context to the out-of-the-box executive and shed light on your business, especially when used for marketing and social media.

All professional services are tied to first impressions, especially on bio pages. Your professional corporate headshot is the singular expression of who you are as a career-driven individual and inspires confidence in your clients.

“The best headshots are created by a professional photographer. So schedule a shoot – it’s worth the investment.”


GORNPHOTO NYC shoots executive portraits for a myriad of nationwide businesses.

Phone: 917.453.9833



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